Saturday, August 29, 2009


i got a tumblr again and i have a feeling i'll be there more than i'll be here cause it's a lot easier

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Jonas Brothers World Tour Tickets?

Yes? No?

So pretty much everyone in the world knows that i love the Jonas Brothers (don't judge me.) So I was super excited when they announced that they were gonna be doing a World Tour. I was even more ecstatic when i found out that they would be coming to
Ft.Lauderdale. I was originally gonna go to their Detroit concert but things came up and i couldn't go. (You may now cry). Then someone from my youth group who is an amazing person and i (heart) her vary much said that her sister might be able to get us tickets 'cause her boss gets tickets to the venue that JB is playing at (YES). But everything is still up in the air and there is a 50% chance that i will go but a 50% chance that i won't. *tear tear*. There are still tickets being sold at stub hub but JB tickets are very expensive (well that is if you want good seats). So hopefully i won't be missing this super amazing concert and a chance of seeing NICK JONAS<3. :)

They put on a GREAT show

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Youtube (Box)

So I was on youtube the other day and i came across this really cool channel and saw such an awesome video that I'm going to post it:

This is what the video says:
"At times I get discouraged with the "place" the world puts me. I don't claim to be anything more than human. I just strive to be more Christ like in all I do.

This doesn’t mean I’m perfect, that I’ve never doubted, or never sinned. It doesn’t mean I’ve lived a sheltered life of forced religion taught by my parents.
It doesn’t mean I’ll judge others who have chosen to live a different life style or are a different religion then me.

It means, to me, that I’ve made a choice.
To focus on what God wants for me.
To live a life full of purpose according to his will.
To love people, instead of worrying about where they're at in life.
To be honest and sincere in my actions.
To live a life above reproach and questioning.
To set aside my wants and desires for his glory.
To do what is right, not because I feel I have to but because I have an understanding that I’m worth more than the pressures and standards of mans opinion of me.

To be a living sacrifice.

The "box" and its four small walls, built out of pre conceived thoughts, enclosed with the bondage of stereo typical allegations justified by previous acquaintances claiming to be the same but acted in a hypocritical manner.

This box.

Cannot contain me."

So yea you should watch it and subscribe to her


Wow: In my opinion this video is just beyond words. Like THIS is how i feel as a Christian & watching a video like this lets me know that im not the only Christian, there are millions out there and its just awesome:) <3

Monday, July 20, 2009

Find Me=)

I got a tumblr. I really don't know what it does but imma try it out to see if i like it better than this website:D

You guys can also find me at:
and lastly

-----half an hour later:D-----

i deleted tumblr. it was to confusing. lmbo

It's New Moon!

So as everyone in this world knows New Moon is coming out this November and being a huge fan of Twilight i found some movie stills online:D


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Harry Potter

So after a lot of difficulty i finally posted a blog layout thingy. Thank you Jeannie for helping me out! :)

Anyways, so the past two days have been pretty fun i guess. <---- Ehh not really anything to say about that.

Okay the real reason why i posted this blog is to talk about Harry Potter. Right now my cousin Aly is on her way to my house so that we can go watch the new movie in a bit. Yesterday i saw the 5th movie for the first time ever and I guess it was pretty good. But that got me thinking..... I usually read anything and everything especially if there is a movie coming out for it (hence why i read Twilight before the movie came out.... but thats a different blog post). But surprisingly i have never read any of the Harry Potter books. So after talking to my friend Jessica about it (whom is a huge Harry Potter fan; and i got her to read Twilight btw) i decided to challenge myself and read ALL the books before the end of the year. I really don't know how im going to be able to do it cause those books are huge and with school about to start it's gonna be hard to find the time to read but whatever. So along the way i guess i'll blog about what book/chapter im on. Well wish me luck.

Happy Reading:)


So i'm back from watching Harry Potter. I guess it was pretty good there were just some parts that kinda got boring and the "action" kinda happened during the last 20 minutes of a 2 and a half hour movie.

After the movie i actually ran into my cousin at the mall (he's probably reading this right now so HI Primo!") you guys should read his blog its -----> (wow i memorized the name!) Anyways go read it now! :D

Monday, July 13, 2009

stolen from Jeannie:)

So I went on Jeannie's blog a long time ago
( you should totally check it out btw she's hilarious -----> as i was saying, i went to her blog the other day and saw a thing she did where she listed all her classes and memorable things about them. I was like imma totally do that one day. Let me tell you something


McAllister's Class: Scrabble (including the only time i ever won), When we were reading Romeo and Juliet and Jeannie convinced everyone that they were whores and deserved to die, Shakesperian day (every friday we would talk by adding "ith" to the end of every sentence. The funny thing was that we would remember on thursday but forget on friday), MAMBO!GO! (nuff said),Dude & Bro, In jeopardy when we won thanks to Tom, Jeannie talking non-stop during movies, Alexis shh'ing everyone, Bulletin Board, THE GAME, Gabe, Tom wearing Jeannie's signature highlighter jacket, When Sam brought the cake we all said surprise and she dropped it luckily leaving the cake unharmed, lets not forget scategories.

Garcia's Class: The temperature of the room was always out of wack, Blue Cross Blue Shield questions, Ghetto Barney, when the outlet wasnt "working", Stool interviews, Pedro Valdez with the freaking morning announcements, Twinkies, Up against the wall and its all over, MUSTACHE!, European history, Grant Channel, Shiny Happy People, A shadowy lower world, Knowledge bowl, when we use to have to take notes for homework we would print out the whole section out of the online book in different fonts and give them to other people in the same class and in 1st period.

Pantoja's Class: Sady wanting to be star student, Jonathan's laziness, 5 hw checks, gifted problems, Pantoja's extreme paranoia,Alexa sleeping, Mildred and slope, me and Mildred failing tests, Chris, Caito asking for help on ALL of the homework, green globs, SMART BOARD!

Lunch: Pizza every other day, basketball courts, doing Ware's homework.

Ware's Class: Disection, how he would always say the days of the week weird, Science fair project due Dec 1, male and female pinecones, when ware took us across the street, Mr.Ware's neighbor, How Sam, Sady, and I would always defend the Jonas Brothers<3,>

Pedraza's Class: I was the quiet one there, Some dude singing the opera version of year 3000.

Ingraham's Class: When we were in the portable someone would always get a detention, ripping up tests, when he was gone for like a week and everyone thought it was that he was caught selling weed and he was actually on jury duty.

Woohoo! im finished. Boy does this bring back memories.

Imma miss Freshman year:)